Poker Player Makes Incredible Fold w/ Set of Aces on Dry Board

The Lodge Card Club in Round Rock, Texas featured some wild pots during its Saturday livestream, but none more memorable than a hand in which one player correctly folded a set of aces on a relatively dry board.
Doug Polk's card room has been in the news quite a few times lately. The ownership team that also includes poker vloggers Andrew Neeme and Brad Owen recently opened a second location in San Antonio, which will soon become the largest poker room in Texas. Round Rock's location, with over 70 card tables, is currently the biggest in the state.
The poker room also saw its $118,000 bad beat jackpot hit before a royal flush on the river disqualified the hand in a $1/$2/$5 pot-limit Omaha game.
Amazing Fold
The hand below might be the perfect opportunity for Polk to bring back his "Poker Hands" segment on YouTube. Action began harmlessly with Chris calling the $200 big blind with 5?4? and T-100 doing the same with 7?6? before Yoochan raised it to $1,000 on the button with A?A?, a real hand.
The two limpers called to see a flop of A?8?2?, a monster flop for the button raiser. Two players checked over to Yoochan who bet $600, receiving a call only from Chris and his gutshot straight draw.
After the 7? appeared on the turn, the player with the drawing hand again checked and then called a bet of $1,500. The 3? completed the seven-outer straight, a crushing blow to Yoochan. Given the board texture, it appeared nearly impossible that he would avoid losing the bulk of his $50,000 stack.
Chris checked the nuts to the button, and Yoochan, with no reason to believe top set had been cracked, bet $4,800 and then faced an all in raise to $44,000. Yoochan didn't snap-call, which most poker players would have done in that spot. He went into the tank before somehow finding the discipline to fold the second nuts.
Yoochan would go on to lose $16,000 during the session, but it would have been more had he not made a world-class fold against Chris, who booked an $83,000 win.
The set of aces fold even impressed Polk, who tweeted out: "Legitimately incredible fold. Just incredible."